Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Suspicious Photography

Why is it so tough to take pictures of Jefferson? Lately, our staff has been asked to leave public buildings in Jefferson, even though it was perfectly legal to be there. The latest incident involved a citizen reporting us to the police for taking a picture of a house from the street. What gives?


Rick Bland said...

People who live in small towns are easily deceived into thinking that they are in a friendly environment, simply because they all know each other. It is very easy to be friendly when you know everyone around you.

The real test of friendliness is "how do you treat people you don't know?" In this regard, Jefferson (and most small towns) fail miserably. Watch Mayberry, RFD sometime and pay attention to how strangers in town are treated.

This is how our editors are repeatedly treated by locals.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rick. Not only friendly just to each other, but only to people from certain families. Their is a class structure that is being maintained.

Big Nasty said...

The caste system thrives in Jefferson. As population and job opportunities decrease, the privilege and security of the upper castes remain, leaving the lower castes to turn in the cans they stole out of pickups at Larry's or move to Perry as slaves in the ancient, deep pork mines; often whispered about but never spoken. No images are allowed, as differing castes may not be seen in a single image. I have studied this for years, and have seen the same effect in now defunct communities in lower Carroll and Audubon counties.

larry d. said...

The upper class in Jefferson consists mainly of city, county, and state employees, including those working for the school board. Outside of attorneys and doctors (who are few in Jtown), there is nothing else remaining of the upper class.

Farmers are by far more wealthy than their town-dwelling counterparts, but are refused entry into the social elite.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the social structure in Jefferson, but people driving slowly through your neighborhood, looking around and taking pictures would certainly qualify as odd, if not suspicious behavior. People have the right to protect their neighborhood and children as they see fit.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they may be mistaken for a real estate agent.

Anonymous said...

Rick - did Diamond Dave quit again or is he finally fired like we all asked for?

stonehead said...

Lay off, Diamond Dave, dude. When he gets back, I'm sure he'll have some new insights that will blow you away.

iona trailer said...

Somebody driving slowly by my home, maybe more than once, and stopping now and then to take pictures would make most men I know stop them at least to ask what they were doing. Being a womanh, I think I would be more inclined to call the authorities rather than to confront them. Does anybody else see it that way?

Anonymous said...

Larry D would you define wealth for the rest of us? Big hat no cattle?

larry d. said...

I don't have to define wealth for you. Go look it up in the dictionary if you don't know. If you're trying to make a point, make it.

Rick Bland said...

I think some of you have the wrong impression of what our staff was doing as they took photos. They weren't "driving slowly by your home several times looking around and taking pictures". They simply occasionally slowed down to a stop, took a photo, and moved on.

It would not have occurred to anyone anywhere else I have lived to call the authorities to report somebody for taking pictures. Keep in mind we were also recently asked to leave the middle school even when we were not taking pictures, simply because THEY DIDN'T KNOW US!"

That's right - in Jefferson, if they don't know you, you are viewed as a potential criminal and you are not welcome. That big crime wave might hit Jefferson at any moment, remember.

mike said...

What I think Larry means is that in Jefferson, a guy running a little hardware store is elevated to a higher social stature than a guy running a couple multi-million dollar farming operations.

Anonymous said...

Mike is absolutely right. It has been that way for years. Ever notice how the downtown merchants always lived in big, expensive houses and got mad if you didn't shop local?

Wouldn't put a dime into the appearance of their store, but check out their lawn.

Anonymous said...

Jefferson is one of the least friendly places you will ever find in your entire life. It's really hard to explain this to locals who have lived there for a while and know everybody. The closest I can describe it is like how would your neighbor across the street react if he found you messing around in his garage. That is how Jefferson residents treat out-of-towners.

Anonymous said...

Where are these "ancient, deep pork mines"?

Anonymous said...

I see where the Jefferson Iowa News facebook just posted a bunch of pictures of the inside of the high school. Just wondering if the principal okayed it.

Rick Bland said...

Not only did the principal not OK it, neither did the superintendant, the teachers on duty, or the school board. Nor were they asked.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that nobody bothered you while you were taking pictures of the courthouse inside from all angles. That apparently is not considered a possible terrorist target. Or maybe nobody was there to notice. OR MAYBE YOU WORK THERE??

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure no one from this web site works at the courthouse. More likely, the courthouse was basically empty, which it always is, which is why you don't need one in Greene County.

Rick Bland said...

I see where an out-of-town visitor to the BTF commented on our facebook page how much smaller the event has grown over the years. This has been evident to those of us from out-of-town for a long time.

There are no accurate records kept on BTF attendance, but anyone roaming the nearly empty streets downtown on Friday, Saturday AM, or Sunday will attest to its dismal attendance.

Anonymous said...

The attendance of the BTF is not an issue. It is exactly where the local leaders want to keep it.

Anonymous said...

I visited downtown Jefferson today (Sunday, June 13). I was literally THE ONLY person walking around downtown - everything was closed. I mean, you couldn't buy ANYTHING.

Why is the BTF advertised as running from June 11 THROUGH JUNE 13???

larry d. said...

They can claim any attendance they want, knowing that nobody will show up to look around and question it. The same technique they use when they claim that almost 5,000 people live in Jefferson. The people who show up and seriously check it out know better.

larry d. said...

And by the way, the courthouse IS always empty. It is hard to believe that anyone would notice if it didn't open one day. Start working a one- or two-day week and save us all some money.

Anonymous said...

Jefferson Iowa News should seriously look at taking a day and counting those entering the courthouse. The number would be staggeringly small.

Rick Bland said...

Locals are blaming the low BTF turnout on the rainy weather. I don't know. They have had rainy weather before. What is going on with Bell Tower attendance is obvious once you look at the demographics.

The initial BTFs were held in the early and mid 80's. They drew large crowds, due in no small part to the fact that lots of families resided in Jefferson, and they all attended the festival.

Jefferson is now filled with retired folks without children at home. Although people attend the parade and the events at the stage, they quickly disperse afterward. They do not shop or visit the booths.

Jefferson does not cultivate out-of-town traffic for this or any other event. It is not publicized. The driving force behind the BTF's attendance seems to be class reunions. These folks plan their own events and they do not include hanging out around the square among them.

To further cloud the issue, all the local businesses appear to close during the times when traffic is the heaviest. That's right - the one time of the year that you have literally hundreds if not thousands of prospective customers milling around in front of your store, you close.

On Memorial Day this past May, I drove by the cemetery around noon. There were hundreds of people gathered there to watch the flag ceremonies. The cars lined Lincolnway for blocks and blocks.
A couple hundred feet away, was a restaurant - closed for the day. Keep in mind this was at noon.

I have absolutely no sympathy for Jefferson's businesses when they fail. They always say things like, "That's why I own my own business. So that I can open and close when I want." Well, that attitude will get you a closed business. Successful businessmen will get a good laugh at that attitude.

"Jefferson - looking everywhere to solve their problems - except in the mirror."

Rick Bland said...

I just received several photographs from Todd Christensen, superintendant of the Jefferson schools.

He has given Jefferson Iowa News some photographs showing the original basketball court marked out on the floor in the basement of the middle school. This was used as Jefferson High's basketball venue prior to the armory and the gymnasium.

He also included a couple shots of the middle school bandroom. While not very good shots, they are appreciated. It looks like they tried extra-hard to minimize the amount of information one would get from viewing the photos.

We'll post them above the fold.

mike said...

You received photographs AFTER publishing shots taken inside the schools?

Either Mr. Chritiansen does not pay attention to your web site or he is a very magnanimous man.

larry d. said...

tThe photos JIN posted from Mr. Christensen are noteworthy only in the amount of information they DON'T show. He made sure there were no doors, passageways, stairs, or windows in any of them. You are unable to tell by looking at them where they are inside the building. The only problem is that everybody already knows where the rooms are, and where all the entryways are.

Rick Bland said...

Exactly. Mr.Christensen seems to be hiding the layout of his school building from the general public. Unfortunately, this is a total waste of time, as anyone who spends time around public places can tell you. You are allowed to walk through the building at your leisure. In fact, it is against the law for them to try to keep you out.

If one wanted to commit a crime or terrorist act in the building, he or she could just stroll through it and learn the layout much more accurately than by using photos off the internet.

Anonymous said...

You should try taking some pictures inside of the new elementary school. I have no idea what it looks like.

Anonymous said...

That would be pointless. None of your readers attended that school.

larry d. said...

More than likely you are right. But I for one would be interested to see how my tax dollars have been spent.

Anonymous said...

I have grown very suspicious about John Rowland's hair. Is that a weave?

trapper john said...

Only the hair on his back.

Rich said...

I thought the attendance at the beverage garden (no longer the Bistro) was bery good both nights. There was actually a line to get in on Saturday around 10 PM.

Anonymous said...

It just occurs to me that there are pictures in any yearbook that show more than Mr. Christianson's shots.

Rick Bland said...

How was the beer garden for sound this year? I must admit that although I was in the area that weekend, I avoided the beer tent. In past years the band was so loud (and bad) that you couldn't even hear yourself talk.

Anonymous said...

Don't like the bistro's new location. Its on North Wilson. Its smaller than before and the cops really like it.

Yang Kuo said...

More than likely you are right. But I for one would be interested to see how my tax dollars have been spent.


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