Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Panel

All of our regular bloggers need to read this post!! We are changing the format of the Bistro. No longer will we post threads inviting everyone to respond. Our responders are going to be limited to a few of our most loyal and insightful bloggers. We will be posting a weekly question, and each of you will be asked to post your thoughts on that topic. We will refer to it as "the question of the week". Anyone interested in being on this "panel"  should POST HERE NOW letting us know. I would like to extend invitations to Big Nasty, Buford T. Pusser, Diamond Dave, Rich, Iona Trailer, and the rest of you who have posted regularly. Remember, you will only be asked to post once a week, so it won't be too difficult. Ready? LET'S FORM THE PANEL!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Just Relax !

We all get stressed; good reason, wrong reason, no reason. What do you do to slide into that "What, me worry?" state of mind? Vacation? Fishin'? Road trip? Good book? I guess a simple list of personal vices would work if that's what works for you and it's done in good taste.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

BP Oil Spill

What do you do about the BP oil spill? Maybe you don't even think it's your problem. Whose problem is it? Who should be taking charge of this?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Favorite Street

What is your favorite street in Jefferson? Maybe based on its appearance. Maybe you want to use some other criteria. Whatever you decide, give us your choice.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Suspicious Photography

Why is it so tough to take pictures of Jefferson? Lately, our staff has been asked to leave public buildings in Jefferson, even though it was perfectly legal to be there. The latest incident involved a citizen reporting us to the police for taking a picture of a house from the street. What gives?