Saturday, December 19, 2009

2009 Jeffersonian of the Year

You've read all the news and seen all the photos. It's time already for our annual Jeffersonian of the Year thread. Who would you nominate to receive this honor for the year 2009?


Anonymous said...

Kevin Tasler is the obvious choice.

Braxton Hicks said...

Jeffersonian of the Year: JEFF CONNER for having the moxie to start his business "Power Lift," in J-town. It takes a lot of risk to start a business and to get a factory up and running. A business that will employ 30 or more people is special, even spectacular. We need more people like Jeff who have an entrepreneur spirit.

Braxton Hicks

Anonymous said...

Eldon Cunningham, fire chief.

Not one business was destroyed by fire last year. No tire fires or anything. Nothing owned by McAtee burned to the ground. Absolutely no arson investigations that I am aware of.

This may be a first for Jefferson.

Anonymous said...

Im with you Braxton. Jeff has really stepped where many would dare not to.
As for Eldon and any other member of the JFD, bash them all you want. They are willing to risk their a$$ to save yours and your property. The tire fire follies are a bit humerous, but anyone with any fire suppression sense knows that burning tires are nearly impossible to put out. Especially several thousand all cooking. Eldon has put his life on the line and donated his time to the citizens of Jtown for 40 years.

Anonymous said...

I was not meaning to bash the Jefferson fire dept. or any other firefighters, for that matter. I'm sorry you read it that way. A vote for Mr. Cunningham is in order.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Mr. Cunningham may be in order, but I'll lobby again this year for Dave Redfern, who continues to provide quality libation for the city of Jefferson.

Anonymous said...

Can we open the voting up this year to include former and/or deceased Jefferson residents?

It seems to me that this would enhance our chances of selecting a more distinguished person.

Rick Bland said...

Braxton's nomination of Jeff Conner is really hard to top. I must admit that had I not come up with the following name, Mr. Conner would have received my vote. Mr. Conner has started a business from scratch right there in Jefferson, proving that you can indeed create industry, jobs, and wealth while others won't even invest in a can of paint for their storefronts. This is reminiscent of Bill Sorenson and the founding of American Athletic 40+ years ago.

That being said, I am going to have to cast my vote for Amy Milligan. Whenever anything of community interest or promotion is going on, I inevitably see Amy in the photo. Besides, Amy is far and away better looking than Jeff.

Big Nasty said...

Dave Redfern all the way. Mr. Conner may be the knee jerk reaction for someone with balls, but Redfern has shown a brass set of them for over twenty years. He started that bar when bars were popular, rode that out, and when he was faced with making it into a restaurant, did not look back but started to cook like a big dog. Still does. Jefferson cut thick and rich. Still runs a good bar. You rule, Redfern.

larry d. said...

Nice try on Amy Milligan, but Dave Redfern should get this hands down. What does the winner get, anyway?

Braxton Hicks said...


The reason that you saw Amy Milligan often was that she was executive director of the Chamber of Commerce. You won't see her nearly as often as she quit that opportunity, returning to her former employment at Home State Bank. That happened in September and they are still seeking someone to fill the Chamber position.

Braxton Hicks

Anonymous said...

We need to look no farther than the staff of editors at Jefferson Iowa News. Why not keep it in-house? I nominate Braxton Hicks and his extensive knowledge of Jefferson history for Jeffersonian of the year.

Tars Tarkus said...

Braxton would qualify for a lifetime achievement award, certainly. As for Jeffersonian of the year...well...we don't think there are any more "warrants" or "allegations" against Braxton, so far this year...but there are still eight days left. We don't want a "Tiger Woods" type of scandal with our pick for Jeffersonian of the year!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a wise decision for your staff to expand the boundaries in your search for this recipient. Maybe include all of Greene county, or better yet, Carroll, Boone, and Perry. If the winner was from Des Moines, that would really make for a more deserving choice.

Diamond Dave said...

I was going to applaud the thought of Braxton for Man of the Year or Lifetime Achievement Award. I thought better of it when I contemplated the resulting wild screams, flaming torches, broken picture window, Braxton cowering under the bed, trying to remain perfectly still and maintain normal bodily functions for an hour, wondering what hot tar feels like. The feathering might look nice briefly, but he would quickly tire of it. DD's endorsement-priceless.

If any would would like me to proclaim their virtues, brilliance, or contributions to mankind, for awards, promotions or just general acclamation, please email me with appropriate bullet points at Adjectives cost extra.

Anonymous said...

Diamond Dave - WTF ??

Diamond Dave said...

Perhaps I've gone off my gourd.

I was attempting to say that my touting Braxton or someone else might not have the effect I was hoping for. The consequences would impact the person I was trying to aid, not me. I was depicting "tar and feathering" bcz the mob was against anything I am for.

Don't worry, Marty Bryant can tell you this is not the 1st post or joke I've had to elaborate further on.

This really doesn't make it any funnier, does it?

Marty Bryant said...

To all bloggers out there - Diamond Dave always has something important to say, but sometimes has trouble conveying it in a manner that the rest of us can understand. Don't be afraid to make him explain himself. To Diamond Dave - Please continue to contribute as you see fit. It is good to have a base of regular contributors such as yourself, Braxton, larry d., Big Nasty, Tars, and all the rest. I am confident that the coming year will make this site even better because of the input we receive from all of you on a regular basis. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone who has helped us out here at JIN.

Buford T Justice said...

I concur Marty..a great site that has come a long way this year. At first I was a bit offended, still being a Jtowner. Now I dog it and have several dozen anony posts under my belt.
Bracing for the big storm here..usually the weather folks overblow a storm. But this one is looking like a nasty one. Hope you all have a Great Christmas filled with family and friends.

Diamond Dave said...

Marty, well stated..."but sometimes has trouble conveying it in a manner that the rest of us can understand. Don't be afraid to make him explain himself. "
Merry Christmas.

Rick Bland said...

Happy holidays to all of our readers. Too bad you can't all come over to my house and get snowed in. We will have four times the fun of everyone else. At my house the drinking starts early, and instead of seeing Santa Claus, we'll see four Santa Clauses.

Rich said...

Dammit, Rick, I missed your invite. That's what I get for not coming here every day.

Unless the party hasn't stopped?

Anonymous said...

Let's nominate the winner of the 2009 "Tower of Fame" award, Jim Andrew. Mr. Andrew is a fifth-generation farmer in the Jefferson area.

The ASA honored him with the 2007 Conservationist of the Year Award, as well as its Legacy Award. He is one of only two Iowans to serve on the EPA's Farm, Ranch, and Rural Conservation Advisory Committee. He has also been a delegate to the World Trade Organization.

Rick Bland said...

Nothing against any of those nominees. They all are quite deserving. But how about an individual who accomplished something specifically in this past caledar year?

Big Nasty said...

Dave Redfern specifically served up quality drinks, great food, good friends, and a good place to hide/hangout not only this year but for the last twenty years I have been going there. That's all I can say.

Anonymous said...

Let's nominate whoever the congressman is that grabbed the over $13 million Jefferson will receive to build a monolithic overpass to nowhere. I agree with the comments made by past posters that this is a total boondoggle.

Anonymous said...

You can talk about the overpass to nowhere. This is the thread to nowhere. There obviously is nobody who qualifies for this award in Jefferson this year.

I would be interested to see who the "Iowan of the Year" would be. No doubt some University of Iowa athlete - probably a women's volleyball academic all-American.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've had bad luck with Lesbians in the past.

Rick Bland said...

The winner of Jefferson Iowa News' 2009 Jeffersonian of the Year Award has been selected. The award goes to Dave Redfern, owner and operator of Wet Goods. He will be receiving the accompanying documentation in the mail, and presumably he will see fit to appropriately display it above the bar or in the restroom.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I wont be visiting the business to see the award. I think it would be prudent of the JIN staffers to send a notice of the award to Rick Morain at The Bee. I certain it would be printed up in that section of the paper that smears and in not legible. Most of my paper each week.

Anonymous said...

I see I'm too late to post my nomination, however, I would select any Jeffersonian that died this last year, was born and lived in Jefferson all their life, and finally was buried in Jefferson. I can not think of a more terrible life to live than that. A little post-mortem recognition would be the least someone could do.