Monday, January 26, 2009

2009 Bell Tower

It isn't too early too start planning. How many of you are likely to attend this year's Bell Tower Festival? What would you like to see this year that has been missing?


landmine said...

Bell Tower? For what? There isn't a thing that is interesting there! Kind of like the Greene County fair? The only thing that I would go to the Bell Tower Festival for would be to go to Wet Goods and see old Ghosts to remember why I didn't stay in contact with them after High School. IS MY SPELLING CORRECT?

Rich said...

I plan to attend.

I was going to hold out until they changed the name of the Bistro back to the "beer tent", but I couldn't do that.

Cntrycwgirl said...

Bell Tower? It should be renamed to High School Reunion 2009 as it is just a big drunkfest. The Greene County Fair should be the The Greene County 4H Competition Fest. As on their own merit neither of these activities will draw from anyone not initially related to Greene County and there is barley any activities to draw the members of the community to participate. For Example the "Rodeo", "Demolition Derby" and the "Tug of War" are the biggest draws for the Greene County Fair..Why? Nothing to do..Few vendors..Few community competitions..If each local organization or High School group would sponsored one fund raising event such as "pop the balloons" for a small prize or even "ring around a bottle" that would draw people in for the event they support an area group without getting an expensive out of area carnival expense. Also what about a bake off for the older generation? (They have a good turn out for the BBQ competition) or even a Greene County Talent Competition? Cow Chip (horse chip) bingo, "" chip throwing competition,watermelon or pie eating competition or watermelon seed spitting? The weird fun events is what draws people. IMHO that would occupy the attendees with "something to do to pass the time" and give money back to the community in a fun way hopefully a win-win solution. No one in Greene County wants to listen or participate as it takes commitment, planning and involvement. This is just my opinion of what Greene County could do to motivate the members of this sleeper-community to make a fun loving community event.

Rick Bland said...

You know, we here at Jefferson Iowa News have been bouncing ideas around for years now looking at ways to revitalize this event. It seems to be growing quite stale, and unfortunately civic leaders do not seem to welcome any new input along these lines.

It looks like they will simply do what they always do because it is easy.

Anonymous said...

I think we should start a drive to get Redfern to hold a pie eating contest in front of Wet Goods this 'O9 Bellfest. If he agrees to do it soon enough, I'll fly up there and compete. He better have pretty good prizes, though.

Rich said...

What flavor pie you talking about?

How about Dave promises to have unlimited supplies of Jack?

Anonymous said...

We need a Bell Tower softball tournament among teams entered from Greene County. Maybe double elimination, held over a two-day period.

Rick Bland said...

Rich -

In recognition of your continued and positive support of this blog site, I have been authorized to present you with an authentic Jefferson Iowa t-shirt, courtesy of the editors.

Just e-mail me with your address and it will be in the mail.

Rich said...

Thanks. E-mail sent. Now I something to wear to the festival.

Marty Bryant said...

This is crap. I've worked here all this time and all I get is a JIN pen set and a coffee mug.

Anonymous said...

I think they should move the beer tent and as many other activities as possible out near highway 30. Maybe try getting a little carnival out there.

Instead of just talking about showing off pride in Jefferson, actually do it, by putting the festival where people will see it. Seriously, if you were not from Jefferson, you could drive right by and not have a clue that anything special was happening!

Now, every little town festival seems to have food as its big draw. What does Greene County have an abundance of? That's right...hogs. Sounds like the place to have a barbeque contest be the centerpiece. Close down the road in front of the Redwood and have people barbequing their hogs out there. That's the way you get the word out about your festival.

Some fireworks might not hurt either.

Rick Bland said...

You could easily incorporate a fireworks show near the softball complex after the tournament.

Without affecting the downtown venues, a BBQ contest could be held along the frontage road just north of town. Entries from around the area could set upa nd people could roam from booth to booth, sampling the food.

Attempts should be made to attract tourists from the entire area, not merely past alumni and local residents.

Anonymous said...

"Attempts should be made to attract tourists from the entire area, not merely past alumni and local residents."
- I think that is the whole problem! I think most people from Jefferson (and some coming back to Jefferson for the weekend) really like it being sort of a secret. Unfortunately, that kind of makes it a huge disappointment for others that think it will

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they have considered moving the Greene County Fair to be the same time as the Bell Tower? I can't believe the county fair is very much by itself. But if you combined it with Bell Tower...maybe it would go over pretty big. It would at least give people the option of something to do during the long stretches of low activity.

Also, someone could sponsor the movie theatre to have a late night showing of some movie. Make it 11:00PM or later. It doesn't have to be a recent one either. Maybe the Blob (Steve McQueen).

Anonymous said...

Maybe put up some big signs on the highway letting people know the dates of the Bell Tower?

Here's something they do out where I live...they show movies occassionally outdoors (on the side of a building). Anyone think that might be better than having a band play? Now everyone just stands as far back from the stage as possible, waiting for a break in the music to talk to their classmates they haven't seen in 25 years or more. People could either go over to watch the movie (while drinking/eating) or go over to the beer tent and talk with people over there.

If you need music...have either music videos playing or have someone (DJ) in charge of the music in the beer area. Just don't play it at the same sound level. Hey, if it was Green Day or Nickelback then that's fine...let then play as loud as they want. That's not who will play at the Bell Tower however.

Anonymous said...

From the sounds of these posts, I think they should $%#@can whoever has been planning this event and let some people do it that know what needs to be done. These are all great ideas that should for once actually happen, instead of being shot down somewhere along the line for some bogus, trumped up reason like "community security" or "worried about crowd control" or some other crap dreamed up by the Jefferson Police Farce and the "old guard" who would like the Bell Fest to remain a glorified ladies aid meeting. As an aside, I think that Rick Bland should go to open records and for once publish what Jefferson and Greene county spends on law enforcement compared to comparably populated towns and counties across Iowa. I for one would bet that would be interesting reading.

Rick Bland said...

Not only are these all good ideas, Sarge, they are not expensive. They would, however, require the Bell Tower planning committee to donate more of their time and recruit some local help with the planning. These considerations are not necessary when you simply do the same thing year after year.

While we're at it, it seems to me that stock car races could be incorporated into the weekend's events rather easily. Maybe they already are, but I have never heard mention of it.

Anonymous said...

Okay...I spoke with someone that actually gets invited to the planning meetings for Bell Tower. They had their very first meeting a few weeks ago. They did decide to move the beer tent to the street along the north side of the courthouse. But, as of now, they still are going to have a band (idiots!).

Anyway, he really liked a lot of the ideas and said he would pitch them at the next meeting, but he did not have hopes for any but one idea. He said they do not like to change things or "rock the boat" with the people who are involved or have already planned for this year(e.g. a barbeque contest would upset the food vendors...or whatever charity gets money from brat sales).

He did think the movie theatre may be able to run a late night show. So, there is a little hope there.

Fireworks...probably no way...the police department or fire department just have to hint they don't like something and that idea is off the table.

Anonymous said...

Well, there you go. I said it nearly word for word.

Laura B said...

This is the year that we really need to showcase Jefferson as there will be lots of extra folks in town. The Des Moines Cycling Club is having a ride from Des Moines on the Raccoon River Valley Trail that weekend. They ride to Jefferson on Saturday, stay over, and ride back to Des Moines on Sunday. I wish some of these new ideas would get some notice and get a try, but the earlier post is right - it is really hard to buck the powers that be and make any changes.......

Anonymous said...

LauraB -
I think they will do a good job on the winetasting event. But if that events gets too popular you can bet the religous nuts in town will start to put up resistance...and Jefferson is full of them...

Anonymous said...

The wedding party had wine, drank so much they ran out, Mary and Jesus were there and Mary said, "make some more so we can party all night", Jesus went for it and, first miracle, more wine.

And you say the religious nuts will put up resistance. They aren't religious nuts. Just pharisees.

Rick Bland said...

How hard could it possibly be to add a softball tournament to the festivities? This would not even have to be sanctioned by the Bell Tower planning committee.

My guess is that you would get teams from Carroll, Perry, etc. to participate.

Also, any lost revenue from brat sales could easily be made up in booth fees or entry fees at a bbq contest. Entry fees for softball teams could be used to pay the umpires.

Anonymous said...

What does eveyone think of moving the Bistro (Beer) Tent to the fairgrounds? It's big enough area that they could have their band and the people that wanted to talk could get far enough away to hear each other.

Anonymous said...

Maybe early June is all wrong for a small town festival in the breadbasket of America. Move it to August when garden tomatoes, sweet corn, and melons of different varieties are harvestable. I've heard there are a few pigs in Greene County. Add some hog roasts and barbecues to the sweet corn, tomatoes and have some good eatin'.

Jefferson has a significant German heritage. Germans know beer. Go beyond a beer tent serving one or two kinds of beers but have beer tastings of numerous beers. If I knew there was really good food and really good beer, I might even be motivated to show up.

Rich said...

Rick: I just wanted to report that the T-shirt came in the mail today. Very nice. Thanks again.

Now I am glad to hear that there's no BBQ contest this year, as I would be unable to wear this white shirt 3 days in a row if a contest was held.

Anonymous said...

They have it in early June so that they don't have to compete with other community fests that are much more thought out and successful. The organizers want Bell Tower out of the way so that they have time to attend these other more popular events.

Anonymous said...

Sarge may have hit the nail on the head with the logic for the planning (or lack of) of the Jefferson Bell Tower Festival. It does seem like the planners of the festival do the absolute minimum to make it qualify as a festival in order for the city leaders, chamber of commerce folks to add it to the other few weak reasons why a business or family should locate to Jefferson.

Anonymous said...

In the past the chamber had the final say in many great ideas being struck down for the BTF. Along with the head of the police. We wouldnt want to go out on a limb and try anything different that just might be a hit. The committee gets a list of people that did their thing the previous year, and mostly just sets them up again. SSDD routine. Most locals dont even attend, its a joke. I think it needs a complete revamp, and sh!tcan the band. Its a beer garden to visit in, not a dance floor. Nobody dances anyway. They dont even have anything for the youth to do. Its a 2 night drunk with a parade.