Friday, March 27, 2009

Scenic Roads

Recently Fleur Drive was voted the most scenic street in Des Moines. If you were to choose a similar Jefferson-area street or nearby road, what would you select and why?


Anonymous said...

I would have to say the "Street to No Where". Isn't it lovely that we are all inter-connected here in Jefferson?

Anonymous said...

Smoke Road?

stonehead said...

I remember riding down Edgewood on my bike when I was a kid. It was a quiet dead end street with well-kept homes, and lots of trees. The back yards were part of a large ravine, so there was plenty of nature. At Christmastime, the houses on this street were all decorated and lit up.

Rick Bland said...

It's tough to single out a street within the confines of Jefferson as being unique. The streets are all laid out in a grid and are nearly identical.

No effort has been made, as far as I can tell, to beautify any individual street. I'm sure the community would require taxpayer funds for that.

One must go outside the city limits to the Squirrel Hollow area or along the river somewhere to find a nice, scenic road.