Monday, November 16, 2009

Cell Phones

Am I the only one who finds the excessive cell phone useage going on extremely annoying? I know that Orville Bass is on my side - anyone else?


Tars Tarkus said...

I think it has been a little better the last year or so. I think many people have decided to use texting versus speaking directly with other people. I believe that Iowa will probably pass a hands-free law (using cellphones while driving) law soon. That will help quite a bit.

The main issue I have with people on cellphones...when people raise their voices as they speak on the phone. Yeah, back in 1965 that was necessary. Not in 1985 (the current year in Iowa).

Marty Bryant said...

Texting is worse than talking. If you want to take your mind off the road, try typing while driving. I have seen too many drivers killed texting at interstate speeds. I have had motorist fatalities because they were texting at 80 MPH and failed to notice that traffic was at a stop. Guess what happened. I have had 4 Life Flight choppers at one incident because of motorists texting while driving.

Marty Bryant said...

Tars - I may have been a little out of line on my last post as I thought you were taking about texting while driving. Texting as opposed to obnoxious cell phone use in public is decidedly preferable. My apologies.


Anonymous said...

I actually heard cell phones going off during a funeral last week.

Tars Tarkus said...

Actually, Marty, texting was left out of the original "hands-free" law out here. It only took a week or two before they admended the law to include texting. It was immediately obvious that texting while driving was much worse! In fact, last year we had a huge train wreck out here that was the result of the driver of the train texting...he hit another train head on.

Marty Bryant said...

Anon. - Sign of the times - At my father in laws funeral 2 weeks ago the preacher asked that all phones be turned off before he started the service.

Big Nasty said...

You guys are one piece of work. You have obviously no idea what you are talking about and have lost all touch with living in a small town. I have never had a cell phone and do not plan to get one. NO NEED.

Rick Bland said...

At Bob Ferguson's funeral, shortly before Halloween, Bob's cell phone actually started going off while he was in his casket. Fortunately, Curt Hastings quickly set it to vibrate before returning it.

Rick Bland said...

Here's the thing about Bluetooth users. They need to understand a few things.

1. It looks stupid. Seriously. It looks ugly; like a woman wearing curlers. In fact, they remind me of Lobot - that guy on Star Wars with a computer on the back of his head.

2. Why do people think they have to SHOUT into them?

3. It's arrogant. Am I supposed to believe that you need to be connected to the phone 24/7! Wow, you must really be important. It is nothing more than a fashion accessory - an ugly one.

Iona Trailer said...

I agree with Big Nasty. You'll never see me using one. Unless maybe I can get one for free. They are just a waste of money. I got by without one before - why do I suddenly need a phone 24 hours a day? Save your money and buy gold.

Big Nasty said...

To Iona Trailer - You can get them for free, but they only last till the batteries are dead, and you have to steal them.

Anonymous said...

I'm not very good with new technology, so I would rather shun it than to learn something new (and feel stupid because I don't understand it). Hey, I graduated high school over 20 years ago, why do I all of a sudden need to learn something new. Hey, the Ellen Degeneres Show is about to come on, I have to go.

Anonymous said...

How to get half of Greene County to wear a Bluetooth? Paint them green and have John Deere give them away.

Mr. Excitement said...

I just spoke with Diamond Dave and he refuses to buy a cell phone because he doesn't understand them. In fact, he even refuses to post on this thread because of his lack of knowledge in this area.

Therefore, this is the ideal thread to use to insult Diamond Dave. Let him have it! Remember, he won't respond, so you don't have anything to worry about!

Anonymous said...

Anon---if Deere painted them green they wouldnt be free. Charge 6-800 bux for it and these fellas would havem

iona trailer said...

Your buddy Diamond Dave probably won't buy a cell phone because he is afraid of new technology. He probably still writes checks for everything, or pays cash whenever possible. I'll bet he still has a VCR and a bunch of VHS tapes. He might even have an eight-track or two.

Diamond Dave said...

Bingo on the cell phone and VCR. Eight tracks came and went too fast.

Stonehead said...

Eight-tracks were awesome. Especially in the car stereo where you had to insert a matchbook to line up the spool. Also when it cut off a song right in the middle of it and finished it up on the next track.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, eight-track tapes. A real blast from the past. Here's the low-down on 8-tracks:

They were developed from a 4-track design created by Earl "Madman" Muntz in the early 60's. They were such an inferior product, however, that they had been completely fazed out of retail stores by the early 80's. Bruce Springsteen's "Live/1975-85" was the only recording actually sold as a boxed set on vinyl, cassette, CD, and 8 track.

What I remember the most about 8-tracks was their tendency to become "misadjusted", causing a faint audio bleed of adjacent tracks into the track currently playing. They were also very notorious for "eating" tapes, and many of mine ended up on the floorboard with the tape spun out all over the place.

Anonymous said...

I recently was able to buy over a hundred used vintage 8-tracks at a Jefferson-area garage sale all for only $5.00. No player included, though.

Anonymous said...

"I'm sorry, can I call you right back - I'm in the middle of something." Wow - that wasn't so hard, was it? Practice it and memorize it. It's extremely rude to be speaking to some one on the phone while somebody is trying to talk with you!